Every child deserves care and protection

Yesterday marked the six-month anniversary of the introduction of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (H.R. 962) in the House by Rep. Ann Wagner. The bill aims to ensure that children born alive after an attempted abortion receive “the same degree of professional skill, care and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child as a reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practitioner would render to any other child born alive at the same gestational age.”
Over these six months, 80 pro-life Representatives have come to the House floor to call for a vote on the Born-Alive Act, and 80 times these Representatives have been blocked by Speaker Pelosi.
The care and protection of innocent new-born children should not be a controversial issue. According to polling by the Heritage Foundation, 76% of Americans support requiring doctors to provide medical care to infants that survive failed abortions.
To call attention to this disregard of human life and the importance of the Born Alive Act, the March for Life and others took to social media.
Thanks to all who joined us, and check out some of the highlights below!
Six months ago today, the #BornAliveAct was introduced in Congress. For six months, Speaker Pelosi has blocked the vote. #EndInfanticide pic.twitter.com/RDkjkyg6R0
— March for Life (@March_for_Life) August 5, 2019
Six months ago today, the #BornAliveAct was introduced. For six months, Speaker Pelosi and Democratic leadership has blocked a vote on this critical issue. That is unacceptable. No matter the obstacles, I will work tirelessly to #EndInfanticide. pic.twitter.com/fFv31iUA1t
— Rep. Rob Wittman (@RobWittman) August 5, 2019
Today marks 6 months since the #BornAliveAct that I cosponsored, which would require that a child born alive after an attempted abortion receive appropriate treatment & be transferred to a hospital, was introduced. It is time to pass this common-sense bill.
— Francis Rooney (@RepRooney) August 5, 2019
The #BornAliveAct ensures doctors “must exercise the same degree of professional skill, care and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child as a… physician would render to any other child born alive as the same gestational age.” This is NOT a partisan issue. pic.twitter.com/FShmAzXAh1
— Georgette Forney (@GeorgetteForney) August 5, 2019
Guaranteeing medical care for babies who survive abortions is neither controversial or partisan, but @HouseDemocrats have blocked the #BornAliveAct more than 80 times this year. @SpeakerPelosi, will you please help us #EndInfanticide? pic.twitter.com/rjxb8227zb
— Rep. Mike Kelly (@MikeKellyPA) August 5, 2019
The #BornAliveAct is needed because the law on the books now is not adequate. Babies are still being born alive after #abortion and allowed to die. #EndInfanticide
— Janet Morana (@JanetMorana) August 5, 2019
House Democrats have blocked legislation to #EndInfanticide for six months straight. That's over 80 times that they've said "no" to protecting babies who are born alive. pic.twitter.com/lrprohGZiB
— Congresswoman Debbie Lesko (@RepDLesko) August 5, 2019
The #BornAliveAct has bipartisan support and deserves a vote in the House – the smallest and most vulnerable among us deserve nothing less.
All Americans, regardless of party should be able to agree: preserving the life of a newly born child is necessary. pic.twitter.com/TNrYPp2Mgd
— Pete Olson (@RepPeteOlson) August 5, 2019
Claire was born alive after a failed abortion. Her life is beautiful. #BornAliveAct pic.twitter.com/INa6y55OqE
— Family Research Council (@FRCdc) August 5, 2019
Six months ago today, the #BornAliveAct was introduced in Congress. For six months, Speaker Pelosi has blocked the vote. #EndInfanticide pic.twitter.com/UR5E5IA07j
— Rep. Andy Harris, MD (@RepAndyHarrisMD) August 5, 2019
#bornaliveact is now trending in #DChttps://t.co/ii0tn0E1dI pic.twitter.com/QZUASRK0qZ
— Trendsmap DC (@TrendsDC) August 5, 2019
#endinfanticide is now trending in #DChttps://t.co/0b6kHUmue4 pic.twitter.com/yGKAT4UpFv
— Trendsmap DC (@TrendsDC) August 5, 2019